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6 Keys to Better Employee Engagement

Written by PRO Resources | November 01, 2022

Employee engagement and happiness both enable your business to thrive in a highly competitive business environment. When employees are content with their roles and responsibilities, your business will reap the benefits because those employees strive to achieve individual and organizational goals and objectives.

High engagement levels result in greater productivity and lower turnover. Workers tend to remain loyal and portray your organization in a positive light. Let's explore how to drive employee engagement through high-performance leadership.

How to Engage Disengaged Employees

There are a few ways to ensure employees feel secure and engaged at work. 

1. Have Great People in Leadership Roles

Employees desire a collaborative, inclusive, flexible, and positive work environment. Great leadership is one of the pillars of employee engagement. Research shows that over 70% of employee engagement is attributable to leaders' actions and influence.  

Great leaders increase employee engagement by building trust-based professional relationships. For instance, a transformational leadership style enables leaders to cultivate relationships and reward followers. On average, companies with leaders who engage their workers register a 6% higher profit margin.  

2. Provide Employee Resources

Resources are one of the components of employee engagement. As a business owner, you should ensure that your workers have the right tools to succeed. For example, employees can become demotivated if their requests to upgrade a particular software required to complete critical tasks go unanswered.  

A PEO understands how to create a better workplace. A PEO's role includes addressing employee problems and concerns. A PEO can liaise with management for an expedited solution if the issue revolves around inadequate tools.  

3. Facilitate 1:1 Attention

Providing individual attention should be on your employee engagement checklist. Periodic 1:1 with management enables employees to feel that they are a valuable part of the organization and that their views matter. This boosts their job satisfaction levels and contributes to increased productivity. Individualized attention increases employee engagement.

4. Provide Training

Ongoing training is one of the pillars of employee engagement because it improves productivity and contributes to lower turnover. The practice allows employees to acquire novel skills, new technology knowledge, and experiences that enhance their work.

With continuous training, you can identify your business's strengths and faults. Identifying weaknesses such as skill gaps allows you to equip your employees with new skills and remain competitive. You can also tell your employees' job preparedness levels as they undergo a training program.  

Did you know that training is a great motivator that boosts employee job satisfaction? All employees crave personal and professional development, and training gives them just that. Training also enables employees to perform their tasks more easily and efficiently, resulting in higher motivation levels.  

At PRO Resources, our training programs give your employees unmatched competence since they are consistent with industry trends and standards.  

5. Show Appreciation

Showing appreciation should be on your employee engagement checklist. Research shows that workers who don't feel sufficiently appreciated are two times more likely to quit within one year. Showing appreciation can assume several forms, including awards, recognition, promotion, and compensation.

Workplace recognition makes workers feel valued, boosts their motivation, and provides a feeling of accomplishment. This boosts employee engagement and happiness, increasing productivity, passion, and loyalty. Increased loyalty among employees results in higher retention rates.

6. Prioritize Happiness and Wellness

A positive work environment is one of the components of employee engagement. Such an environment helps boost employee motivation, productivity, passion, and satisfaction. You can create a positive work environment by protecting the mental health of your employees and providing adequate growth opportunities.  

Strong communication lines are essential to positive work culture. Open, robust, and transparent communication channels allow individual employees to air out their concerns, reservations, and grievances without fear of retribution. Positive work environments also have healthy work relationships that support, reassure and energize employees.  

At PRO Resources, we know how to create a better workplace for your employees. Our wellness program aims to revitalize your employees by making them satisfied and improving their mental health. The program incorporates implementation strategies and individualized and group coaching for organizations of different sizes.  

The Bottom Line

Employee engagement and happiness help boost productivity, job satisfaction, and retention. PRO Resources understands how to drive employee engagement through high-performance leadership. Our training programs hone the leadership skills of individual employees.  

Prioritizing your employees' happiness and wellness helps increase engagement. Doing so requires creating a positive work environment and culture. PRO Resources' wellness program includes individualized and group coaching to improve employee wellness.