Hard Hats for Mental Health: Creating Worksite Wellness Policies That Go Beyond Physical Safety

Hard Hats for Mental Health: Creating Worksite Wellness Policies That Go Beyond Physical Safety

Although physical safety is essential, more awareness regarding employee mental health in the workplace is also becoming an important topic in today's market. This is because more people are being affected by mental health conditions, impacting their abilities to perform at a high level in the workplace.

According to recent research, most American workers (83%) currently deal with mental health at work. Another study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that mental illnesses make it more difficult for a worker to complete typical job tasks 20% of the time and cause a decrease in cognitive performance approximately 35% of the time.

The solution? Mental health and wellness programs. According to a Statista report, 79% of employees working for a company managing and supporting mental health at work say it helped boost their productivity, and another 79% said it also helped prevent them from getting sick. Here's what you need to know.

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What is a Wellness Program?

The HealthCare.gov definition of a wellness program is:

"A program intended to improve and promote health and fitness that's usually offered through the workplace, although insurance plans can offer them directly to their enrollees. The program allows your employer or plan to offer you premium discounts, cash rewards, gym memberships, and other incentives to participate. Some examples of wellness programs include programs to help you stop smoking, diabetes management programs, weight loss programs, and preventative health screenings."

Business owners should consider offering wellness in the workplace because it shows your employees you care more about their health than just their role at work. Wellness programs also attract top talent, show customers you're an excellent company to work for (84% purchase from brands known for treating their employees well), reduce absenteeism from illnesses, and optimize employee productivity & performance. 

What are the Benefits for Employees? 

  • Reduces Health Risks
  • Improves Employee Health
  • Access to Healthier Snack and Lunch Options
  • Reduces Stress
  • Reduces Healthcare Visits and Costs
  • Promotes a Healthier Lifestyle in and Outside the Workplace

And Employers?

  • Increases Retention
  • Reduces Absenteeism
  • Boosts Employee Morale
  • Builds Closer Relationships between Company and Employee (i.e., loyalty)
  • Attracts more Qualified Candidates to Open Positions
  • Healthy Employees Cost You Less
  • Improves Teamwork and Collaboration

How to Create a Wellness Program

Creating a wellness program will differ from company to company and industry to industry. This is because each industry will require different needs depending on the employees they employ, the risks that come with the job, and the mental and physical problems that are most prominent in the company.  

A PEO like PRO, however, would work closely with you to:

  • Determine what your employees — not just any employees — would benefit most from by conducting a company-wide confidential survey.
  • Develop a wellness program with you that targets the most common issues your employees struggle with and face.
  • Work with you to implement it in the workplace by ensuring every employee is aware of the wellness support available and by creating incentives that encourage more people to participate.
  • Regularly update and modify the program as your staff and the times evolve.

When done correctly, Zippia reports that 72% of employers pay out less in healthcare costs, experience an average ROI of 6:1, deal with 14-19% fewer cases of absenteeism, and 84% report higher rates of productivity and performance.

Wellness Programs with a PEO

Working with a PEO can make a substantial difference in your company's health and wellness programs because they stay up-to-date on the latest safety measures, training methods, and evolving support and programs to combat serious mental, physical, and emotional issues that affect workforces.

According to Vera Whole Health, the most common wellness program features include:

  1. Club memberships and fitness center discounts
  2. Education on nutrition
  3. Regular health assessments and screenings
  4. Competitions to encourage improving one's fitness and health
  5. Apps that teach about mindfulness

However, the right PEO will have a wellness program that offers many more features than these five.

Do Only Certain Industries Benefit?

While some industries will likely benefit more from a wellness program, all industries should implement one into their employee benefits. Mental Health America reports that 19% of U.S. adults — equal to more than 47 million people — have a diagnosable mental illness. The same report noted that an additional 4.55% of U.S. adults live with severe mental illnesses. And this doesn't even include the global mental illness impact, affecting brands who've expanded into other countries.

These adults are spread across different states, jobs, industries, and companies. To keep them happy, healthy, and safe, companies must offer access to a reliable wellness program.

Mental Health and More with PRO Wellness

To benefit the most from a wellness program, you'll need to partner with the right PEO with the right package for you and your team. A mediocre wellness program could do more harm than good in some cases since it shows that you can support your employees but aren't willing to put in the extra effort to ensure they're healthy and well.

Working with PRO means you get access to the best wellness program in the industry for your employees, with the following essential features included in the plan:

  • Blood Pressure Screenings
  • Customized Goal Setting
  • Flu Shots
  • Healthier Lifestyle Education
  • Nutritional Education
  • Personal Wellness Coach
  • Stress Management
  • Tobacco Cessation
  • Wellness Event Planning

Contact us to learn more about our program and what it can do for you.

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